Monday, November 3, 2014

Holiday Break Update

I hope this post finds everyone well, rested and enjoying the end of the holiday break. I'm curious as to how many of you went "trick or treating" last Friday, but I guess I will have to wait until next Monday to find out! 

As I promised last week, here is an update with the homework. Please let me know if you have any questions. You will notice that the word count for the reflections has gone up from 100-150 to 150-200 words. Please follow this guideline in order to ensure full credit. 

The homework is as follows...
  1. I have just finished posting the new reflection prompts. Please be sure to respond to them by Friday, Nov. 7th at 11:55pm. 
  2. I also posted a new discussion board topic. Same rules as always apply: one post, one response, by Friday, Nov. 7th at 11:55pm. 
  3. Don't forget to review the vocabulary words for the quiz next Monday.
Below, I've included pictures of the classes' conceptualizations of the communication model. Which is your favorite? 

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