Sunday, October 19, 2014

Day One: Introductions, Class Policy and the Diagnostic Essay

Welcome to "Foundations of Academic Writing". I know everyone has been anxiously awaiting our first class, so let's begin. An outline for our time together can be found below...

Day One: Introductions and the Diagnostic
I. Instructor Introduction
Since we will be spending the next few months working together, I think it is only appropriate that I properly introduce myself. I will do so with the help of this short presentation.

II. Introducing Yourself 
Now, you will have a chance to introduce yourself. I think many of you already know one another, but I don't know anyone yet. Please follow this procedure:

  1. Get into groups of three people
  2. Introduce yourself using the questions found here
  3. Listen and take notes as your partners introduce themselves
  4. Be prepared to introduce another member of your group 

III. Introduction to the Class & Website

Now that we all know one another, let's take some time to get go over the class schedule and goals. Also, I would like to explain how the course website works and how to best take advantage of it!

IV. Culture and Communication
Does culture influence communication? If yes, how so? If no, why not? We'll begin with a short discussion about the elements of culture and move on to a presentation that outlines they different way that our culture effects the way we communicate with one another.

V. Diagnostic Essay
Now I would like to get to know your writing! The last part of today's class will be dedicated to a diagnostic essay. This is a way for me to get an idea of the way you write right now (at the beginning of class) and how we can best focus the rest of our time together.

The prompt (based of a CAE "report"-style question) can be found here.

Follow the directions, do your best and remember: this isn't for a grade!

1). Add a response to the group discussion board for week one AND respond to one of your classmates' posts (by Friday at 11:55pm)
2). Write your response in your reflective journal for week one (by Friday at 11:55pm)
3). Buy and bring a folder to use to store your portfolio work (by next class). 

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